Friday, May 7, 2010

Sirloin Steak with Ancho Chili Coffee Rub

1 1/2 tsp ancho chili powder
1 tsp finely ground espresso

1/2 tsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp dry mustard
1/4 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 1/4 thick top sirloin or 1 1/4 lb shoulder center steak

1. Spray lg. nonstick skillet with cooking spray and preheat it over medium high heat
2. Combine all of the ingredients for the rub and coat the stak well on both sides.
3. cook steak for about 7 min. n each side for medium rare, turn only once allow steak to rest for 5 minutes before slicing.

Slice veggies of choice to bite size pieces.
Place in boiling water for two minutes
and immediatly remove veggies from
boiling water and place into ice bath to stop cooking.
Dry off veggies and place on platter.

1/2 Cup cashew butter
1/2 cup warm filtered water
1-2 TBS of Tamari Soy Sauce (gluten free)
1/2 to 1 tsp finely ground unrefined sea salt
1/4 cup raw apple cider viengar or lime juice
1/2 to 3/4 tsp. of Ancho chile
3 medium garlic cloves
1/4 cup of minced, fresh scallions
Blend ingredients with a whisk, refrigerate atleast 4 hours use within 10 days.

The Recipe for the steak was found in "Delight Gluten Free" magazine .
The magazine for those with Celiac Disease, gluten intolerance, food allergies and sensitivities.
Spring 2010 issue pg 66
The Cashew dipping sauce Recipe was found in "The Garden of Eating" by Rachel Albert-Matesz and Don Matesz. (my moms teachers) My mom tweaked it a little and substituted for what we didnt' have.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Roast Chicken with Apricot Stuffing

This recipe was found in "living without" magazine, a magazine for people with food allergies and food sensitivities.

3/4 cup quinoa
1 med. onion
3 1/2 TBS of Butter or Olive oil
3TBS pine nuts, sunflower or pumpkin seed (toasted)
1 TBS chopped rosemary
1/4 tsp salt, more for bird cavity
freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/2 cup dried apricots, soaked in hot water for 30 min.
1 3lb chicken, rinsed and patted dry
1 cup gluten free chicken stalk
1/4 cup dry white wine

I was excited and nervous but ready to cook! I first had to wash the chicken, it was slimy and felt like an old man's face, not that old mens faces are slimy and NOT like I touch old men's faces but the skin was loose.
I was afraid to hurt the chicken, my mom stepped in and showed me how to man handle a lil' 3 lb piece of meat, She just spread open its legs and shoved her hands inside the cavity. ;) I took over and ripped out the poor lil' chicks guts and placed them on a plate.. realizing that this chick didn't even have a heart to begin with! or it was lost in the cavity somewhere. Anyway...
My mother helped this time, since I was all nervous and she read the directions incorrectly.... long story short, we made a lot of mistakes but the process was fun.
I didn't think that it was going to turn out that great, but it was delicious. I specifically liked that it had so much flavor. The apricots and the pumpkin seeds were my favorite ingredients however the pumpkin seeds seemed to be too big. I can see how the pine nuts or sunflower seeds would have been better for size.
I would rate this meal as the best chicken of my life and I still can't believe that I made it. :)
As an amateur cook, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but a lot was going on at one time.

Monday, May 3, 2010

My First Creation!

As my mom slept and in the safety of my privacy I found an easy recipe in some torn out pages of a magazine.
My mom hates it when I cook so her taking a nap was a perfect opportunity for me to do my thing, in her defense she only hates me cooking because she is afraid that I will make a mess... In my defense she hasn't learned yet that I am old enough to clean up after myself without asking and I usually do.

(that don't cost $3 a pop)

Combine one cup quick oats
1/2 cup of apple sauce
1 TBS honey
1/4 cup of chopped dried fruit

Press the mixture into a greased baking pan and refrigerate until firm. Then cut into bars and wrap each one into plastic wrap. You don't even need utensils so they are great for extra crazed A.M.'s!

What I did:

I tripled the ingredients cuz I am an American (haha)
I used a glass pan that I greased with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I used dried blueberries that have been in my cupboard for months
I used all of my moms honey and the rest of the apple sauce and now I wait impatiently for the firming so that I can devour 3x as much as I should. :)
After it had firmed.. well, actually it didn't. I used way too much apple sauce because I got over zealous at the end and dumped the rest in, ( don't' do that) but it tasted deeelishhhous! I must spoon it, so scratch the "you won't need utensils" unless you follow the directions.

Recipe from Cosmopolitan 2010
Disclaimer: Be careful if you are avoiding ALL gluten, as oats are usually manufactured with other products containing gluten.