My mom hates it when I cook so her taking a nap was a perfect opportunity for me to do my thing, in her defense she only hates me cooking because she is afraid that I will make a mess... In my defense she hasn't learned yet that I am old enough to clean up after myself without asking and I usually do.
(that don't cost $3 a pop)
Combine one cup quick oats
1/2 cup of apple sauce
1 TBS honey
1/4 cup of chopped dried fruit
Press the mixture into a greased baking pan and refrigerate until firm. Then cut into bars and wrap each one into plastic wrap. You don't even need utensils so they are great for extra crazed A.M.'s!
What I did:
I tripled the ingredients cuz I am an American (haha)
I used a glass pan that I greased with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I used dried blueberries that have been in my cupboard for months
I used all of my moms honey and the rest of the apple sauce and now I wait impatiently for the firming so that I can devour 3x as much as I should. :)
After it had firmed.. well, actually it didn't. I used way too much apple sauce because I got over zealous at the end and dumped the rest in, ( don't' do that) but it tasted deeelishhhous! I must spoon it, so scratch the "you won't need utensils" unless you follow the directions.
Recipe from Cosmopolitan 2010
Disclaimer: Be careful if you are avoiding ALL gluten, as oats are usually manufactured with other products containing gluten.
I must agree, it did taste fabulous. Both Mike and I were impressed and cheated slightly on our own diets so that we may taste and then taste again your wonderful creation! Thanks for sharing! Keep it up! Love, the evil mom who doesn't let you use the kitchen! :)